8 Effective Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin

Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin

Women with oily skin often have to deal with problems like acne, clogged pores, ingrown hairs, and sticky skin.

Girls with oily skin are often troubled and want to know what to put on the skin and what not to…

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Oily skin occurs when the sebaceous glands in the skin make too much sebum.

Hot weather can make oily skin worse, and skincare products for this skin type are often too expensive.

Many girls are afraid to apply anything on their oily face as the product which claims to get rid of oily skin later deceives them.

You don’t have to empty your pocket of skincare hacks to get rid of oily skin. So, see below these skin care hacks for oily skin.

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Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin:

If you rely on budget friendly things or are tired of spending money on products that they promise to deliver but are not actually giving the same result, then here are beauty hacks for oily skin. All you need are a few simple things.

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Some ingredients you can pick up from your kitchen that you can use for skincare hacks to get rid of your oily skin are oatmeal, lemon, honey, and more.

Try these skincare hacks for oily skin so you can save both your time and money.

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1. Use Honey: Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin

Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin

Humectants like honey draw water from the air, by applying honey in a thin layer on your skin, you can prevent your skin from getting oily.

You can include humectants like honey in your daily routine against oily skin.

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Whenever your skin feels oily, apply a thin layer of honey to the skin, let it dry for 10 minutes, then gently wash your face with warm water.

2. Take Steam: Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin

Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin

Steam loosens dirt, unclogs your pores, and eliminates the need for intensely irritating scrubbing. For full-body steam, a shower is quite useful, but if you just want to steam the face, you can heat a bowl of water to a slow boil, cover your head with a towel, and lean toward the steam. Go.

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You can also uplift your mood by adding some aromatherapy oil or flowers to the water.

3. Oatmeal: Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin

Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin

Oatmeal helps to gently exfoliate dead skin cells and remove excess oil without harsh chemicals.

Mix some honey and warm water in oatmeal to make a paste, massage into your skin for three minutes, then take two.

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Removing dead skin cells using this oatmeal exfoliation helps other parts of your skin care routine work better.

4. Tomatoes: Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin

Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin

Tomatoes are a source of salicylic acid which is known to unclog pores, reduce acne and absorb excess sebum.

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Crush a tomato and add a teaspoon of sugar to it, apply on the skin in circular motions, leave it for 5 minutes, then wash the face with warm water.

Try a slice of sliced ​​tomato directly on your skin for a boost of salicylic acid.

5. Lemons and Egg Whites:

Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin

Egg whites and lemon both are known to tighten the pores.

Lemon contains citric acid, which helps absorb excess oils from the skin and also has antibacterial properties.

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Mix one egg with one teaspoon of lemon juice, mix, apply on face in a thin layer, let dry, then wash off with warm water.

Use lemon directly on your face to help remove blackheads and whiten your skin.

This is one of the skin care hacks for oily skin.

6. Almonds:Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin

Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin

Almonds are known to absorb oils and work well as an exfoliant.

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Take three spoons of crushed almonds, two spoons of honey, apply in a circular motion and wash off with warm water.

This is one of the skin care hacks for oily skin.

7. Homemade Toner:

Toners are loaded with harsh ingredients and are another expensive part of your skin care routine.

Toners remove oil from the pores, balance the pH, and help balance the skin tone.

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Mix equal parts of water, witch hazel and apple cider vinegar. The quantity you use depends on the size bottle you want.

This is one of the skin care hacks for oily skin.

8. Razors: Skin Care Hacks For Oily Skin

All the women are including a razor in their facial skincare routine.

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This is called micro-planing. Using a new razor regularly also works to exfoliate the skin and remove dirt.


Not all DIY hacks to get rid of oily skin mentioned in this article work for everyone.

The only real test is what you do yourself. Build a skincare routine using these hacks mentioned above and try them out.

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You will love that the ingredients you are using are all-natural.

Remember, if the oil glands are producing excessive amounts of sebum for an extended period of time, serious skin problems can arise, if this happens you should visit a dermatologist.

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