As soon as a woman conceives, her whole family starts celebrating but sometimes due to physical problems, some women have a sudden miscarriage in the first month of pregnancy. This sudden miscarriage makes the woman more mentally weak than physically. In such a situation, the woman should be helped to recover mentally to conceive again, so that this shock gradually goes out of her mind. So, here let’s know miscarriage in first-month symptoms.
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What Is Miscarriage?
If the fetus dies in the womb before the 20th week of pregnancy, it is called a miscarriage. The type of miscarriage a woman may have depends on the stage of her pregnancy. There are several types of miscarriage. The symptoms of each miscarriage may vary. Miscarriage during early pregnancy is very common and is common. One in five pregnant women experience a miscarriage before the 20th week of pregnancy.
In many cases, miscarriage occurs within 4-8 weeks of pregnancy and women are not even aware of it. In such a situation, it is important that women are told about the symptoms of miscarriage in the first month, so that they can immediately go to the doctor if they get any such sign.
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Types Of Miscarriage:
this, neither bleeding occurs nor any type of first month miscarriage symptoms are seen. In some cases, the fetus remains in the womb even after the pregnancy and it is detected when the development of the fetus stops in the womb. It is detected by ultrasound.
Incomplete Miscarriage: In this, the woman has severe pain in the lower abdomen and heavy bleeding. In this, only a part of the fetus is able to come out. This is why it is called incomplete abortion. It is also checked by ultrasound.
Complete Miscarriage: Severe abdominal pain and heavy bleeding can be symptoms of complete miscarriage. In this, the fetus comes out completely from the uterus.
Inevitable Miscarriage: In this, bleeding occurs and the cervix opens, allowing the fetus to come out. During this time, the woman often has stomach cramps.
Septic Miscarriage: Such a miscarriage occurs due to infection in the womb.
Miscarriage in First-month Symptoms:
The most common symptoms of miscarriage in the first month are abdominal cramps and vaginal bleeding. If some such symptoms appear during pregnancy, a doctor should be contacted immediately.
Miscarriage Symptoms:
The symptoms of miscarriage are…
Vaginal Bleeding:
Brown or dark red bleeding from the vagina can be the most important symptom of miscarriage. During this, there is spotting, blood clots or excessive bleeding. If you bleed in the early days of pregnancy, it does not necessarily mean miscarriage. Usually light bleeding during the early days is normal but it is worrying if you have excessive bleeding with spotting or clots and the color of the blood during bleeding is brown or dark red.
Severe Back Pain:
Back pain is common in pregnancy, but this pain can sometimes be unbearable. In this case, you should contact a doctor immediately as it may be a sign of miscarriage. Back pain and lower back pain can be a sign of miscarriage.
Lower Abdominal Cramps:
Pain in the lower abdomen is one of the symptoms of miscarriage. This can be a matter of concern as the pain can be intense or much more than the pain experienced during the menstrual period. Moreover, many times the symptoms of miscarriage are not felt and when the pregnant woman goes to the doctor for a routine check-up, it is found that the miscarriage has taken place.
(Also Read: How Many Days Does It Take To Reveal Pregnancy Symptoms)
Miscarriage Causes:
Many times women do not know that they have become pregnant. Unaware of this, they go about their daily routine like normal days. In such a situation, it is seen that women have a miscarriage in the first month of pregnancy, without even knowing that she was pregnant.
- Hormonal imbalance.
- Immunity or blood clotting problems.
- Problems like thyroid or diabetes.
- Problems in the womb or uterus.
- Smoking too much
Specific Causes Of Miscarriage:
The causes of miscarriage are…
Chromosome Abnormality:
One of the reasons for miscarriage is abnormal chromosomes. The tiny structures present in a person’s body are called chromosomes. These structures carry genes. In some cases, when a man’s sperm meets the egg, there is an error in either the egg or the sperm, which causes an abnormal combination of a chromosome in the embryo, leading to miscarriage.
Uterine Abnormalities and Incompetent Cervix:
When the shape of the woman’s uterus and uterine divisions are abnormal, miscarriage may occur as the embryo cannot be implanted in the uterus.
Immunology Disorder:
Sometimes an immunology disorder does not allow the embryo to implant properly in the uterus, leading to miscarriage. Immunology disorders can cause problems like asthma, allergies, autoimmune syndromes.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:
Women with PCOS have an increased risk of miscarriage. In this condition, the balance of progesterone and estrogen hormones gets disturbed due to which eggs are not developed for pregnancy.
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The Reason for Repeated Miscarriages:
Abnormal chromosomes can be an important reason behind women who have frequent miscarriages. Here we are giving some other reasons which can lead to frequent miscarriages.
- Trying to conceive at an older age: Women trying to conceive at the age of 35 may have frequent miscarriages.
- Excessive running around or traveling too much: Excessive running around or traveling in the first and third trimesters during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage.
- Abdominal pressure or injury: If a woman’s stomach is injured or pressure is applied during pregnancy, then also miscarriage can happen.
- Any kind of infection in the vagina: Vaginal infections are common in women. In such a situation, repeated vaginal infections can lead to miscarriage.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Miscarriages:
If miscarriage is diagnosed at the right time, problems like infection can be avoided. If this is not done, the woman may be in danger.
- Pelvic Examination: In this, the doctor will check the dilatation of the cervix.
- Ultrasound: During the ultrasound, the doctor will check the fetal heartbeat to find out if the fetus is developing normally.
- Blood Test: During this test, the doctor may take a sample of your blood and compare the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) with the previous level. If it changes then it may indicate a problem. Apart from this, you can also get tested for anemia.
- Tissue Test: If tissue has started coming out of the cervix, the doctor can examine them to detect miscarriage.
- Chromosome Test: If you have had a miscarriage before, your doctor may do a blood test of you and your husband to detect chromosomal problems.
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Natural Ways to Prevent Miscarriage:
- Take folic acid and prenatal vitamins: To avoid the risk of miscarriage, you are advised to take folic acid and other vitamins before getting pregnant and during pregnancy. Doctors recommend taking 400 to 800 mg of folic acid daily.
- Regular vaccination: Chronic diseases increase the risk of miscarriage. In such a situation, you can avoid this problem by getting the necessary vaccines.
- Do regular exercise: Light exercise can be beneficial during pregnancy. During this time, doing stretching and yoga etc. can reduce the risk of miscarriage. Before doing this, consult your doctor and exercise it only under the supervision of a qualified instructor.
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